Previous summits:
London, UK
Chicago, USA
Dijon, France
24-25 April 2014, Moscow

On April 24 and 25 MGIMO-University, Lomonosov Moscow State University,Peoples´Friendship University of Russia and MISiS university hosted the Global University Summit, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Global University summits have been held yearly since 2008. They serve as a discussion venue to elaborate policy recommendations to the leaders.

The World Trade Center Moscow provided the technical organization of the summit. The prime mission of WTC Moscow is the support of the trade community objectives in international business and trade, creation of an objective notion of the business resources and goals of the region.

The GUS-2014 brought together chancellors, rectors, deans and professors from the leading universities. It provided the floor to foreign policy officials and academicians, civil servants from international organizations and people from corporate community who proved their interest in education and research. Special stress on the GUS-2014 put upon new instruments for more dynamic development; assessment, prevention and securing of global risks; food safety and healthcare. The GUS discussions traditionally covered regional security. Special GUS panels concentrated upon national higher education peculiarities, international cooperation between universities and joint research projects.

In the framework of the GUS-2014 on April, 23-26 in MGIMO-University was held an educational exhibition, where universities, institutes and other research centers will present their publications.